Happy Halloween
Hey everybody! Hope you all have a great Halloween!

In the spirit of the season, I went and saw "30 Days of Night" last night. It was a pretty good movie....not great...but good. And, I will admit that when the vampires were on screen, there was massive carnage and lots of blood. Those parts of the movie were really awesome, and quite admittedly, pretty gross. But I loved those parts! Go see this movie if you're into vampire or spooky movies.
And, another movie referral: rent "1408" if you're into psychological, creepy movies. This movie, starring John Cusak, is taken from a Stephen King short story and is super creepy. Though it takes a tad too long for the set-up, once it gets going, you will be turning on the lights and scheduling a session with your shrink once it's over.
In the meantime, be good to the kids who come to your door tonight cuz one of them might be me! :-)

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