Friday, December 22, 2006

Happy Festivus!

Well, it’s Festivus Eve. Time to put up your aluminum pole, air your grievances, and test your strength.

Traditional Festivus Pole

Or, if you prefer, you can celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or whatever hijacked version of the original pagan celebration of winter your religion endorses.

I hope that, no matter which one you choose to celebrate, it is a great one, and you find a way to send out peace and love to your friends and family. And maybe, just maybe, you can do something nice for a stranger this year also.

And, if I happen to be a stranger to you, sending $20 to my PayPal account would be awesome!

Celebrate wisely and carefully, chummies! I'm keeping a good thought for you and yours.
My Grievances for 2006

I have a problem with people who call themselves members of the Republican Party who are still trying to convince themselves that the current president has done a great job. The man and his administration have wrecked this country, set the world on a course of destruction and hatred, and have constantly proven themselves to be incompetent and idiotic with their "stay the course" and "mission accomplished" rhetoric. Yet, all that the Republicans party supporters can bring up when you point out these facts is that Bill Clinton cheated on his wife. Yo! Wake Up! Your party and your leaders are corrupt and imbecilic.

I have a problem with people who write letters to newspapers and magazines bitching about how someone's done them wrong and how "Karma" will come back to get that person. There is no way that all of the people who throw around the karma term even know what it means, and it's used all willy-nilly as if saying the word "karma" will actually cause something bad to happen to person they're damning. With the number of people who claim to know karma out there, you'd think this was a Buddhist country (which would not be a bad thing).

I have a problem with the dumb people who think that pushing-pushing-pushing-pushing the button on an elevator will make it work faster. For instance, a guy steps up to an elevator and after seeing someone else push the "down" button, which is now lit up to show that it has been pushed, and he also pushes it. But he pushes it twice, as though the elevator, sensing the double-push, is now RUSHING RIGHT DOWN faster than it was before. FYI---elevators don't think, retard.
I have a problem with the idiotic segment of Philadelphia's population who have been leaving their gnawed-to-the-bone chicken wing bones all over the city streets. This phenomenon has been an issue all year, and it makes no sense. With trash cans located throughout Center City Philadelphia, why is it that the remnants of your chicken wing meal get scattered all over the city sidewalks? Use the trashcans, dirtbags.
And finally, I have a problem with myself, for being such a whiner.
Happy Festivus everyone!



Blogger Sar said...

Happy Festivus!

I have a problem with Christmas music being played 24/7 especially when it starts before Thanksgiving. What ever happened to Christmas Eve & Christmas Day being the only 24/7 holiday music days???

I have a bigger problem being forced to listen to holiday music continuously loop while at the mercy of my dentist and hygenist who are filling my cavity. I'm fairly certain Gitmo's got nothing on that.

That said, happy holidays and warm peaceful wishes to you, Joe, and all your readers as well. :)

1:14 PM  

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