Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday Morning Chuckle
The Goonies was on this weekend. Seems like a good time for this...


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wednesday’s Word

Word: Lumper’s helper (characterization)


Since a lumper does absolutely mindless stevedore work, a lumper’s helper would hardly be a fountainhead of erudition. In fact, he’d probably be number than a pounded thumb: “wouldn’t know enough to pour water out of a boot - with the directions stamped on the heel.”

A lumper’s helper might be number’n a hake, but since he does accomplish something in the way of physical labor, he is a cut above a zero.

(Definition from: “How To Talk Yankee”, by Gerald Lewis & Tim Sample, copyright 1979, 1986 by The Thorndike Press; copyright 1989 by the First North Country Press)

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Did You Know Tuesday

Did you know that B&M Baked Beans were first sold in 1927? Produced by the Burnham & Morrill Company in Portland, ME, this product took nearly seven years of testing before B&M Brick Oven Baked Beans hit the store shelves. They continue to be made in Portland.

The Burham & Morrill Company has been in business since 1867.

picture from


Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday Morning Chuckle


Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Wednesday’s Word

Word: Glom (Adj. or V.) (spelled ‘cruise’)

Definition: to grasp


“Get your great. glomming paws out of that peanut butter fudge. Your sister might want a dite, you know.”


“When Edwin saw those brand new work gloves going for fifty cents at the auction, he glommed right onto the whole lot of them. Nobody else got a single pair.”

(Definition from: “How To Talk Yankee”, by Gerald Lewis & Tim Sample, copyright 1979, 1986 by The Thorndike Press; copyright 1989 by the First North Country Press)

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Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Did You Know Tuesday

Did you know that our Sun will run out of fuel in about 5 billion years? When that happens, the outer layers of the Sun will expand (far enough out to turn the Earth into a barren, lifeless rock) and will then collapse on itself.

Currently, the Sun turns hyrdogen into helium at a rate of about five million tons per second. Holy moly! Eventually, though, like all stars, our life-providing star will run out of fuel. Prior to that happening, however, changes in the Sun’s output will make life on Earth more difficult. In about a million and a half years, the energy output from the Sun will increase by 10%. That may not seem like a lot, but the Earth will have difficulty keeping this extra energy out and life on Earth will be affected.

Read more about this here, if you dare.

Picture from


Monday, June 07, 2010

Monday Morning Chuckle
