Saturday, February 09, 2008

Big Happenings in Eastern Maine

It seems that Maine has become somewhat important to a couple of Democratic candidates. Hillary Clinton spoke at a rally at the University of Maine here in Orono this morning at 9am.

I called my Dad to tell him that traffic might be an issue in town, so he'd better wait to go out and do his things. (Note: I have a different perspective on what defines "traffic" in this little town of 9,100 residents. Having spent those 12+ years in Philly, I know what a traffic jam is, and I can tell you that they ain't NEVER had a traffic jam in Orono...but try convincing the residents of that...)

He tells me that he's aware of the visit, and that "that Alabama guy" was going to be in Bangor this afternoon, just 5 minutes south of us. So, I'm scratching my bald head and thinking to myself, "Who is the Dem candidate from Alabama?" I just couldn't think of the Alabama guy my Dad was referring to. So I asked him who the Alabama guy was, and he says, "You know, the guy running against Hillary...Alabama... what's his name?" So there you dad has Obama confused with Alabama. Brilliant.

We're bracing for the first storm of February that is supposed to settle in tonight and end at some point tomorrow. Right now they're saying 6-8 inches. We'll see.

I gotta go now, though. I'm trying to find Alabama.

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Blogger Sar said...

Alabama - hahaha!! That's the most charming display of candidate ignorance ever!

Speaking of candidate ignorance, recently I was in a waiting room speaking with the receptionist about our shared support for Obama when a dude (who clearly exemplifies the stereotype of red-state redneck) passing me said, "Osama", not to anyone specifically. So I said "Ignorant" -- not to anyone specifically.

12:01 PM  

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