Moving Day Approaches
Hey, gang. My posts have been few and far between of late because I am down to my final days as a Philadelphia resident. On Sunday, July 15th, I’ll be driving my 16’ Penske truck to the house I bought in Maine on May 1st….my grandparent’s house. The foundation is done, they’ve finally got the electric hooked back up (did you know that as a new buyer I have to have the electric box inspected by the town before I can get power????) and the house is just waiting for me and the cats to move in.
It’s funny…I can remember going to this house (I grew up down the street from my grandparents) for Thanksgiving dinners, holidays, the daily drop-by, and anything in between. And now I’ll be living there. Weird. If my grandparents’ spirits are still in the walls, I’ll be listening to them argue about the Red Sox (my Gram’s favorite) and the Yankees (my Gramp’s favorite), just like old times. Heh heh heh
Anyway, I’ll try to keep you updated over the next couple of days. It’s gonna be crazy around here.
But this whole packing business....holy cannolli! I really don't hoard stuff. Twice a year I'll go through my stuff and throw/give away anything I'm done with. And yet I am finding all of this stuff in every crevice of this tiny house I rent in South Philly. Where did all this stuff come from? I'm in purge mode, but I'm getting worried I'll need more than one truck. **crosses fingers and hopes not**

I'm going to miss my friends in Philly. I've lived here 12 1/4 years, and my roots are deep. My disc golf friends. My cool friends in The Codes have been a great group of people to hang out with. Co-workers I met in my jobs in Philadelphia, especially those from my time working for a company in Media, PA, and then a small company in Conshocken, PA.
These are people I really hope to see again. They're good people who positively impact my life. And, they laugh at my jokes, even when they're bad ones.
One week from today, I’ll be at my house in Maine. So cool…….
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