Bad Joke of the Week!
A new feature here at TFKoP (at least as long as I can remember to post it…..) will be the “Bad Joke Of The Week”. I’ll provide a bad joke for you. You can either ignore it and move on to the next blog you’re looking for, or you can post a comment about how bad the joke was, or you could even post a comment with your own bad joke!
Remember, this blog welcomes all bad jokes.
To start off this feature, here’s a joke that’s not only bad, but also dumb:
Q: What do apples and oranges have in common?
A: Neither one can drive a tractor.

Your turn…..
Labels: bad joke
Ohhhh fun, I'll play!
Q: What did one fish say to the other fish in the tank?
A: Do you know how to drive this thing?
What is brown and sticky?
A stick.
har dee har har
lmao... ok
knock knock
-who's there?
-Youf Who?
Sar: You've got it! Keep 'em coming. Sure do miss your site, though.
JJ: ha ha! Sticky.....
Christie: Thanks for dropping by. Hope to see you here again soon. Knock knock......
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