Wednesday, October 04, 2006

What're Words For....part 3....
If you're looking to learn some words and phrases from the great state of Maine, you've come to right place. And this week's word, the third I've presented in this third week of blogging, can easily supplant many cuss words you presently may use...if you are trying to cut back on those nasty, socially unacceptable words, that is.

This week's word is: Frig (V., to dawdle, putter)
Definition: Do not be afraid of using this word in Yankeeland, for it carries none of the salacious connotations associated with it in other parts of the country.
"What'choo been up to, Joe?"
"Nawthin' much. I frigged around the gahden (garden) some this mornin'. I've been taking it easy because I've got to put a ring in a bad bull's nose tonight."
The root has a couple other applications:
1. Frigging (Adj., abominable)
"I can't get this friggin' halter on right."
2. Frig (V., to botch)
"That's because you frigged up the buckle."

(Definition from: "How To Talk Yankee", by Gerald Lewis & Tim Sample, copyright 1979, 1986 by The Thorndike Press; copyright 1989 by the First North Country Press)

I used this word a lot recently while trying to get this friggin' blogger site to upload some of my friggin' pictures, but it just ain't friggin' working!!!

There you have it chummies. Enjoy using this word in your daily routines. And it would be wicked awesome if you'd leave me a friggin' comment if you've stopped by! ;-)

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Blogger QUASAR9 said...

Hi Joe the mason,
I'd heard of friggin this and friggin that, but I just thought it was a polite substitute for effing this and effing that.

PS - You slowing down, or so busy at the cubicle, you are glad to get away from the computer screen.

Hope you are having fun!

2:12 PM  
Blogger QUASAR9 said...


I thought Mary The Golden Mermaid used the word friggin here but no, I noticed she uses the word freaking instead of effing ... lol!

Peace back to ya brother!

11:55 AM  

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