Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Half a Birthday

A couple of weeks ago, I was hanging out with friends of mine, and I asked their daughter if she was having fun at the ripe age of 6. She corrected me, and let me know that she was not 6, but was 6 AND a half. I apologized profusely for overlooking the “half” because she was so proud of having crossed the “half” mark on her way to the age of 7.

But, this got me wondering: at what age do we stop professing the “half” part of our age to people? I really can’t remember. I do remember being proud of the half-year being added to my age when people were recognizing the amount of trips I had made around the sun in my lifetime, but at what point I stopped announcing it has been lost to my memory.

Do any of you know when this happens? I had given it some thought and figured maybe it’s important as we build our age up to the “legal drinking age” milestone of 21, but when you’re 6 or 7, having a beer is not the first thing on your mind.

Just something I’ve been wondering about.

Oh, and by the way, I turned 41 and a half last Friday (October 20th).


Blogger QUASAR9 said...

The milestone is
when you can enter clubs
when you can drink
when you can drive

and a few other milestones that have been lowered like when you can f*ck have children or get married ...

Yet with age when people wisen up
they want to regain their youth
and women though they still may be willing to consent and play are ever less keen to get in the family way

So here's wishing you a happy birthday and whatever portion, till your next birthday date comes along!

4:36 PM  

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