Friday, March 09, 2007

Lost, Season 3, Episode 11, “Enter 77” (3/7/07)
I really look forward to Wednesday nights again! Last night’s episode continued to mine the backstory of one of the Losties, this time Sayid, while moving the story forward with more information about the hatches, the Dharma Initiative, and the dynamics of the different groups on the island.

What do you think, gang? Some of you were beginning to lose interest in the show with the focus having been on the Others for several episodes. But now that we’re back to our original gang, are you feeling the island mysteries and the stories of the Losties to be intriguing again?

“Enter 77” was a real good episode. And once again, Locke blindly follows the computer and begins pushing buttons.

Sayid: Sayid’s backstory as a torturer continues to haunt him. A man, Sami, lures Sayid to his restaurant where he (Sayid) is taken prisoner by the man who wants Sayid to admit to being the torturer of his wife. Though Sayid continues to deny that he knows the woman, the man continues to keep him locked up and beats him to get Sayid to confess. Eventually, after the wife, Amira, asks Sayid to admit that he did it, Sayid caves and weepingly says he’s sorry he tortured her. At this point, she forgives him saying “we are all capable of (evil), but I will not be that”. Back to the island, Sayid, Locke and Kate continue their jaunt into the jungle following Locke’s idea that the “message” on Eko’s stick (“lift your eyes look North, John 3:05) will lead them to the Others. Sayid is doubtful of this, but continues on. (NOTE: just wonderin’ this, how is the compass now working and pointing them North if the magnetic issues of the island made the compass go wacky in Season 1? Maybe their far enough away from the magnetic source…?). Eventually, they come upon a farm(The Flame hatch) hidden deep in the jungle, and Sayid recognizes the man he sees there: it’s Spooky Eye Patch guy!! They sneak into the camp, but Sayid is shot by Eye Patch Guy who yells “You crossed the line, you said you’d leave me alone!” The line? The same line that Tom told Jack/Kate/Sawyer not to cross in Season 2? They convince the guy that they are not who he thinks they are, and he takes them in, and repairs the bullet wound to Sayid’s arm. He tells them that he is the last living member of the Dharma Initiative, and that he was allowed to stay in the hatch if he left the “hostiles” (aka The Others) alone. Sayid does not believe that he is a Dharma member, but plays along to get more information. Thinking that Eye PatchGuy, Mikhail Bakunin, may not be alone, Sayid finds a trap door in the floor that leads to a basement. He and Kate find Ms Klugh hiding down there. Sayid also finds a map of the power grid for the island, and he, Kate, Locke and prisoner Mikhail leave to find the main compound listed as “The Bunkers”. Sayid opts not to kill Mikhail thinking of Amira’s plea to not become like the evil that surrounds us.

Locke: Has this guy ever met a button he couldn’t push? Inside the farm/Flame hatch, Locke begins to play chess on the computer located there. Mikhail tells Locke he’ll never beat it and that the computer cheats. Locke explains that computers don’t cheat, only people do. Locke eventually beats the chess game, and when he does, a video with Dr Marvin Candle/Wickman pops up saying stuff about what key numbers to press to contact the sonar, the communications, etc. When Locke tries these numbers, the message says they are not working. Then Candle says “if there has been an incursion by the hostiles, Enter 77”. After they leave the hatch with Mikhail, Locke enters 77, and as they get to the edge of compound outside, the entire building explodes, destroying everything.

Kate: In the hidden cellar, Kate is jumped by Ms Klugh who is then subdued by Sayid. Kate tells Sayid that this woman was there at the docks when she, Sawyer, Jack and Hurley were taken. She tells Sayid that she knows where Jack would be.

Rousseau: On the jungle party with Kate, Sayid and Locke, Rousseau refuses to enter the Flame compound with them saying that she has never seen this place before, but she will not encroach on the territory because she has kept alive by avoiding “them”. There’s something not right about this woman. No duh, you say. I’m wondering if she was part of the Others, but was then banished. How she never saw the farm/Flame hatch is a mystery, unless of course she’s lying and knows all about it. She’s some kind of turncoat, I think. It’s just a matter of figuring out if she turned on the Dharma Initiative, or if she turned on The Others. Makes me think she’ll be turing on the Losties soon too.

Hurley: After the Losties find and assemble a ping pong table, they realize they’re missing a ball. Sawyer brings a plastic golf ball, and says they can use it, but only if they play him. If he wins, he gets the stuff back that was taken from his tent while on The Others’ island. If he loses? He has to give up calling everybody by the nicknames he makes up. Hurley ends up being chosen to play Sawyer because Hurley says he had a lot of time to play while living in the basement of his Mom’s house. Hurley SMOKES Sawyer, and thus, Sawyer is off from nickname-making-up for the next week. Hurley also gives Sawyer back his magazines in a gesture of goodwill. Which Sawyer, of course, acts all smart-ass about.

Sawyer: Okay, where to start. He lost the ping pong game to Hurley, and now he can’t call people by nicknames for a week. For us, however, he had plenty of time to give us some classic Sawyer lines:
1. When he sees Paulo and Nikki, he says “Who the hell are you?”, a sentiment shared with everyone who watches this show. Funny! Even funnier, though, when Paulo called Sawyer a “hillbilly”.
2. Calls Hurley the Grimace! Calls Hurley Avalanche! Calls Paulo Zorro!
3. Hurley, in talking about when he can’t make something happen: “I just make myself a salad and move on,”, to which Sawyer replies “I can see that’s workin’ for you”.
4. Calls Jin and Sun “Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon”

Miss (Bea) Klugh: When she was led out of the Flame hatch by Sayid and Kate, she sees Mikhail holding a gun to Locke’s head, and starts talking to him in Russian. I found a site that had translated what she and Mikhail were saying in Russian (Ukrainian?) to each other, and she was saying “You know what to do! We cannot risk it.” Mikhail kept reiterating “there’s another way. We have another way”, but Klugh says “this is an order”, at which point Mikhail shoots and kills (?) Klugh.

Jin: Funny that he was the one who said (in Korean to Sun, who translated) that if Hurley won the ping pong match that Sawyer would have to give up calling people by his nicknames for one week. Nice to Jin loosening up. Of course, that will change if it turns out that Sun’s baby is actually Jae’s.

Mikhail Bakunin: While claiming to be the last living member of the Dharma Initiative, Mikhail tells Sayid, Locke and Kate of his past in the Russian Army (from Kiev, stationed in Vladivostok), but after getting out answering an ad that said “do you want to help save the world”, where he was introduced to the Dharma Initiative. He said they are “very smart and very smart”. He said he’s been on the island 11 years (meaning he would’ve arrived in 1993), and that the Flame hatch was for communicating with the outside world. He said that there was an incursion and attack by the hostiles (aka The Others), but they lef him stay there and would leave him alone as long as he didn’t cross the “line” out of the valley. He said the hostiles were on the island long before Dharma. He tells them of the various cables running all over the island, including one that runs into the ocean to communicate with the sonar that operates the submarine. Soon, it is revealed that this guy is NOT part of Dharma, but is most likely one of the Others.

Miscellaneous: Okay, grab onto your hats.
1. The Purge: So, let’s say that The Others were on the island before Dharma Initiative selected that island for their tests. When the Dharma’s moved in, they would, in effect, be considered ‘hostiles’ by the island-living Others. Fearing a takeover by an outside force, they would’ve taken steps to get rid of the Dharma group. This may have included attacking the hatches, and eventually coming to an agreement with the Dharma group saying something along the lines of “as long as you stay over there and don’t come over here”…you know, “cross the line”…..”we can coexist”. But, Dharma may have instead sent lots of people to fight them, and I’m wondering if Dharma, with all of their money and knowledge, didn’t create the SMonster as a way to find the hostile ones. Somehow the SMonster can sense bad in someone, and reacts by exterminating them, or something like that. Makes me wonder if the bodies that the Losties found in the caves in Season One, and maybe the body of Henry Gale, were killed in the Battle of the Purge.
2. Walt and the chess game: Walt was held in the Flame hatch, so he would have had access to the chess game. The chess game is, in my opinion, a way to destroy the hatch without an intruding force knowing it. If the hatch had been taken over by hostiles, the chess game would’ve been the cover to hide the fact that it was that computer that was the self destruct. There was probably an easy way for someone working with Dharma to just punch a key or two and the destruct information (the Marvin Candle video) would’ve come up. But, there was also a way to enter by beating the computer at chess. Walt probably figured this out, and the first time he beat the chess game, figured out how to use the number sequence (“Enter 56”, or whichever number it was), and was then able to communicate with his father, who was still back in the Swan Hatch after killing Ana Lucia.
3. Nadia Comaneci: I took a look at her website ( and saw that, interestingly enough, in 1967 she joined a gym club called “The Flame”.
4. The Cat: You noticed, I’m sure, that the cats in the episode, the one on the island at the Flame hatch, and the one in Sayid’s flashback, looked very similar. Interesting that the one at the Flame was named Nadia, but not because of Sayid’s Nadia, but because of the gymnast mentioned above. Maybe it was the SMonster….
5. Dharma Binders: The binders that Sayid found in the basement were labeled with various Dharma Projects, including the “food drop” program. Too bad the Losties won’t be able to use those for information since button-happy Locke destroyed them when he entered 77.

Until next week,


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